Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wha...what? AH!

I haven´t written any entries in three weeks because I am internetless at home. It is a huge pain in my behind. Hopefully sometime before the ned of this month I will be reinstated to internet-dom and i will be able to fill in the last month or so which will include
-my trip to the south of frnace
-continuing adventures with 6-year-olds (who are screamign in the background as i write this)
- halloween
-my upcoming thanksgiving dinner-party! Me and Beth cooking for 15 people. in my tiny kitchen. thos should be HILARIOUS

in the meantime, much love to all, and i wish that no such dryspell of online-ness should occur for you at a similarly inopportune moment


Unknown said...

I am also looking forward to the ned of the month. I hear this month's Ned is Dominican and has that...latin flair.

La Anna said...

cheeky cheeky, mr. doctarate.